Céad Míle Fáilte romhaibh go dtí Scoil Naomh Peadar, Baile Phib.
Welcome to St Peter’s National School. In St. Peter’s, we do everything in our power to make sure that each child’s years in primary school are happy and memorable. Together with the parents and guardians, we strive to create a happy and holistic learning environment which will enable all of our pupils to experience success and enjoyment in their many endeavours.
As Principal of St Peter’s NS, I will endeavour to ensure that school is a happy, fulfilling place for children, full of friendship and learning, where memories and lifelong friendships will be forged.
St. Peter’s NS has the reputation of being a highly effective school, with motivated teachers and pupils. Pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum with a focus on quality teaching and learning and with opportunities for every pupil to experience success across a range of subjects. The school offers an extensive range of extra-curricular activities which cater for the varied interests of all our pupils. The school is supported by an effective and dedicated Board of Management and will be re-establishing our Parents’ Association once again in 2021. Our ancillary staff ensure the efficient day to day running of the school and provide a warm welcome at front of house.
My vision for St. Peter’s NS is based on the creation of a rich learning environment where the children can flourish and develop both cognitively and emotionally. A vision for a school must be based on consultation and dialogue with the school community. One of the roles of the Principal Teacher is to lead that process, resource the plan and motivate all members of the school community to participate in a common vision for the school.
The challenge is to create a community of learners built on the highest standards of excellence in order to ensure that all children achieve their potential.
I will aim to ensure the talents within each and every pupil in St. Peter’s are discovered and developed. It is an honour and a privilege for me to be given that opportunity.
Le gach dea-ghuí,
R. Ryan,
Tour of St. Peter's N.S.
St. Peter's School Brochure
Admissions' 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 information for parents/guardians See policies section for Admissions' policy and Admissions' notice for 2025/2026 (Admissions' Notice will be available from the middle of September '24)
If you wish to enrol your child for the 2024/2025 school year or any subsequent year (admissions for the 2025/2026 school year will be be processed from the 1st of October 2024) please fill in the enrolment form (found in the parents’ section of the website). The 2025/2026 enrolment form (in both word and PDF format) has been uploaded onto the website. Please note we are still currently accepting applications for the 2024/2025 school year for some classes. Please contact the office for further details.
The enrolment window for Junior Infants (2025/2026) will open on the 1st of October 2024 and close on the 20th of December 2024. Late applicants will be placed on a waiting list. (as per Admissions Bill 2018).
Applications for the 2025/2026 school year (from senior infants up to 6th classes) will also be accepted from the 1st of October 2024 until the 20th of December 2024. Please refer to the school's Admissions' Policy and Admissions' Notice on the home page of our website (policies section) for more details.
Please ensure that you have included the following with your application:
1. Fully completed and signed application/enrolment form
2.Birth Certificate (original which we will copy and return to you)
3.Baptismal Certificate (for Catholic children only, for the purposes of sacramental preparation) It is not required for enrolment.
4. Reports from a previous school (if applicable).
5. RECENT UTILITY BILLS- any one of the following [Gas, Electricity, Telephone, Car or Home Insurance Policy, Official Government Documents, Social Insurance Document etc.]
6. Parental/Guardian's photographic ID- a driver's licence or passport.
Once completed, the application form (and accompanying documents scanned) may be submitted by email to office@stpetersns.net, post or in person at the school office.