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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

St. Peter's Parents' Association Committee (SPPAC) news and updates 2022 2023

St. Peter's Parents' Association Members 2023/24

  • Chairperson: Tanja Whelan
  • Secretary: Laura Kelly 
  • Vice Secretary: Ciara Barnes
  • Treasurer: Chris Hapka
  • Communications Officers: Maeve Bray and Kathryn Kelly 

Other Parent’s Association Members

  • Bernard Duggan  
  • Stacey Lawlor
  • Lorraine Robson 
  • Caoimhe Grant

The Parents Association was established as a support for parents/guardians of children attending St Peter’s National School. 

PA newsletters and associated items


St. Peter's Parents' Association Committee (SPPAC)


Working in partnership with the Board of Management, Principal, Deputy Principal and teachers of the school, the Parents’ Association Committee (PA) aims to build an effective partnership between home and school. The PA runs activities for children and help out at school occasions, as well as fundraise. 

The Parents’ Association is made up of a small committee but otherwise will need parents/guardians to help out in any way they can throughout the school year. 

This includes:

  • Volunteering sharing skills, ideas and your time
  • Policy Giving feedback on parent/guardian views on aspects of school policy 
  • Hospitality – arranging coffee/tea at school events e.g. bake sales, Grandparents' day, Graduation from sixth class, Sacraments
  • Organising events e.g. Table Quiz, Art competition, Santa visit, Easter Bunny, Carol service, music events, second-hand book and uniform swap etc
  • Fundraising organisation and assistance

Did you know?
Every parent/guardian of a child in the school is automatically a member of the Parents’ Association. Research shows us that children do better and are happier in school when parents and teachers work together. 


Get in touch
The PA communicates with parents in the following ways:

  • Email 
  • Aladdin Connect 
  • Digital Newsletter on school website


Parents Association AGM October 10th 2024 

All Parents and Guardians are invited to attend our first Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Join us in the school hall or online on October 10th, 2024 at 8pm.

It's your chance to meet other parents, share your ideas, and get involved in what’s happening at our school. You will hear about what the PA has been up to over the past year and we can all discuss what we’ll do in the coming school year.

Please let us know if you can go through this form

We’re also suggesting some exciting changes to our constitution, and we’d love your input and vote on those during the meeting. 

The new constitution draft is attached but to make it easy, here are the proposed changes in bullet point format:

We are…

·       restructuring the text to make it easier to read

·       introducing regular open meetings for parents in the school

·       aiming to have parent representatives from each class to communicate with us

·       inviting a teacher representative to become more involved in the work of the PA

·       allowing every parent or guardian to volunteer for the committee – no elections needed

·       adding two new officer roles – Arts and Sustainability

·       making the AGM accessible via an online option

If you have any questions about these changes or suggestions for the AGM please email



Working Effectively as a PA and Code of Conduct for Parents' Association