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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Green Schools' Programme and Committee


St Peter's NS currently has 7 Green school flags: 

  1. Litter and Waste
  2. Energy 
  3. Water
  4. Travel
  5. Biodiversity
  6. Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste
  7. Global Citizenship: Energy

We are currently working hard towards our 8th Flag "Global Citizenship: Marine Environment" 

Why should we look after our Oceans?

  • Oceans make over half of the oxygen we breath
  • Oceans help regulate our climate
  • Oceans are homes to many sea life and plants
  • Oceans provide water sports and recreation. 
  • Oceans create tourism and employment (jobs)

"Keep the seas clean, recycle your plastics, our fish will survive, our oceans will look fantastic!"

Take a look at some of the things we have been getting up to in St Peters!

17th Jun 2024
Villa Bank Biodiversity Garden Open Day is taking place on Saturday 22 June from...
17th Jun 2024
We had a great time on our trip to the canal. We searched for insects and creatures....
24th Apr 2024
Second Class worked together to create a "Save our Ocean" display!