Access Keys:

St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Autumnal Fun

Autumn is always a fun time of year.  It's lovely to watch the leaves change colour/fall to the ground and collect many of the wonderful treasures to be found e.g. pine cones, twigs, acorns, various leaf types, conkers etc.

We took some time out to observe and 'hug a tree' at the front of our own school. 
We looked at all the different parts of the tree e.g. trunk, bark, branches, leaves etc. We kept an eye out for any residing visitors using trees as natural habitats i.e. minibeast such as spiders or insects.

We had lots of fun creating prints from autumn treasures collected in a collaborative art project. 
We made some autumn trees and hedgehogs too. Have a look at some of the great art work 🎨🖌️