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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Cocoon IT returns to St. Peter’s NS and IT updates

25th May 2021

We are delighted to announce that Gavin (Cocoon IT) restarted our IT lessons on Tuesday, 25th of May with 6 of our classes from 1st-5th class. Gavin will be introducing Adobe Spark video to the teachers and pupils with the teachers leading lessons over the next two weeks and Gavin returning at the end of the 4 week session to provide teacher and pupil support. We are really excited about this opportunity to engage with Adobe Spark Video. Brian (our IT expert) set up individual Office 365 accounts for each I pad and also made sure they were updated before apps were installed onto the I-pads. Thanks to Ms. Vaughan for organising the timetabling and resources for the classes to go ahead. We will be posting some of our work over the next few weeks.


Our 6th classes are thoroughly enjoying their Google Chromebooks which they have for a week at a time. Ms. Carroll’s class were completing projects on unusual sports while Mr. McHugh’s class are in the middle of helping to digitize our oldest roll book dating back to 1889!!!

Our junior and senior infant classes have their very own set of I-pads and will be making use of them over the next few weeks.