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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

First Communion 2020

4th Dec 2020

First Communion Ceremonies will take place in St. Peter’s Church at 11:30a.m. and  1:30p.m on Saturday, 5th of December 2020. 

We would like to thank our teachers: Ms. Oliver, Ms. Gilmartin and their current class teachers- Ms. Hand and Ms. Kelly as well as our marvellous First Communion pupils and their parents. 

St. Peter’s school and church would like to remind parents of the 50 persons capacity limit in the church- they must be strictly adhered to for the health and safety of all. 

With this in mind, only three people per family are permitted into the church (including the child).

Please adhere to social distancing outside and inside the church. Adults are advised to wear masks face coverings inside the church also. Please do not congregate outside the church after the ceremony.