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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Sponsored Walk - Pyjama Day - Maths Week

As part of our Sponsored Walk, we took a short stroll around the block via Connaught St - a little walk for little feet! There was a lot of excitement and we all used our 5 senses to explores things in the local/natural environment, which were discussed back in class. The children were extremely good and remembered all road safety rules when walking on busy streets. Thanks to everyone for their sponsorship! 

The pupils enjoyed a 'Pyjama Day' in school as a result of achieving 15 yellow cards for excellent line up in the yard. Well done!

As part of 'Maths Week', the pupils were invited to explore many games/activities using various mathematical manipulatives/concrete materials.  A fun way to engage children in mathematical thinking.