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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

Spooktacular Fun in October

28th Oct 2023

Have a look at some of the exciting activities and games we enjoyed in October.

Daffodil Planting 🌼

We looked at all the things plants need in order to grow. We examined the parts of a flower noting that all starts with a seed/bulb.
We planted some daffodils bulbs at the front of our school next to the first tree - Thanks to Derek for preparing the soil for us. We understand that these won't grow until the spring time 🌱 but we will observe patiently any changes closer to the time. 

Aistear - The Witch's Kitchen 🧙🏻

A witch's kitchen was set up as a role play area in our classroom. The pupils loved dressing up and making their own magic potions/brew. 

Art - Halloween 🎃

We enjoyed cutting out and piecing together our own little witches.

We designed spider webs using chalk on black paper and then created 'Incy Wincy' spiders, which had a 3D effect. They looked really cool and the children loved making them.

We also painted some pumpkin mask which were brought home.  They were also used to role-play the song "Five Little Pumpkins" in class.

Drama with Paula 🎭

Paula engaged us in many wonderful and fun activities this month.
She read us the story "Wonder" and invited us to share something that makes us unique/special with the class. 
With Halloween coming up, Paula asked us all to come up with something disgusting to put in the witch's cauldron. A spell was created and the pupils were invited to cast spells on everyone turning the class into various things e.g. spiders, snakes, worms, ghosts etc (while moving to music). 
The Ghost Detective games was played.  The appointed Detective had a lot of hard work trying to figure out who the Ghost was. 

Halloween Dress Up ✨

Take a look at the fantastic costumes worn by everyone in class, including Geraldine the Giraffe, which created a lot of excitement (Thanks to Brenda our resident artist who designed her fantastic costume).  Great effort made by everyone. We had a little parade in class to showcase our outfits. We also had 'Show and Tell' and drew picture of our costumes. Well done to all. 

Have a safe and Happy Halloween 🎃👻🧙🏻🪄