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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

St. Peter’s host Bake/Cake sale, coffee morning and Art/Crafts fair.

16th Dec 2022

On Friday, 16th of December, St. Peter’s opened its door to the school community and we had a massive turnout of over one hundred parents. Thanks so much to Ms. Hughes and her 5th class (including Lily who produced three fabulous art pieces for the raffle) who magnificently led the arts and crafts fair raising almost €500 in the process. Thanks also to Ms. Vaughan, Debbie, Derek, Collette and our SEN team members (Ms. McCann, Ms. Dignam, Ms. Clarke, Ms Walsh and Chloe (trainee SNA)) Glenda and Martina. Thanks to our two parents who helped with our book selling and parents’ association committee recruitment drive. 


Thanks to all of the class teachers who hosted bake parties in their rooms, the boys and girls and parents who baked for today’s event. 

It was a hugely successful event and all monies raised will be donated to our two nominated charities Focus Ireland and St. Vincent de Paul.