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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7

St. Peter’s transforms as a result of ‘Shine’

17th May 2024

For an entire week in May, our school hall has been transformed into a hub of the arts (music, art and drama). It has become the bedrock of creativity, a place that draws in students as they can be transported into a world where their imaginations can run riot, they are free to express themselves and be themselves-to Shine.

All throughout the week, the pupils that have been both directly and indirectly involved in the musical have been enticed into our magical wonderland of song, dance, music, art, script, stage, light, dark, loud, quiet, happiness and sadness- a truly unique experience for all concerned and one that we will never forget.

For those lucky enough to witness the performances in person, they will remember the night the talent within St. Peter’s NS enabled us all to smile, to ‘Shine’.