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St. Peter's National School, Phibsboro, Dublin 7


2019/2020 School Year

As part of Catholic School Week, we held a special day to acknowledge our grandparents/special...
A few images of our most recent art creations in class: Any Dot Can BE African Tribal...
As a incentive of achieving 20 yellow cards for excellent line-up in the yard, our...
Some pupils from our class decided to run as potential candidates for 'Mock Elections'...
Have a look through some of the photos of our class learning all about China (geographically...
Our class had some much fun engaging with and watching a brilliant show performed...
Here are some photos taken at home during the school closure
16th Apr 2020
Yan (in Ms. Hand's 4th class) produced a lovely poem about our frontline workers...
14th Apr 2020
Here are samples of the work our marvellous students are doing from home as they...